Good Pictures Make Great Websites
The single greatest, most cost-effective way to make your website look and feel great!
I can't imagine the work and effort involved in taking pictures in the early 1800's. All that heavy equipment, those "flash" explosions, the long, delayed shutters and having to wait days to see if the picture turned out right! We are truly blessed in 2019 that we can pull out our phones and take excellent pictures! It's that easy! Quite often my clients hesitate when it comes to customizing their website and making it look like a million bucks! I tell them you don't need to hire a photographer or set up an elaborate photo shoot to take great pictures!
I truly believe the single greatest, most cost-effective way to make your website look and feel great is by adding some personalized photography within the design of your website.
Below are some examples of brochure websites we've recently designed. On the left is a website concept/design without using photography as the design element and on the right is another concept using photography within the design. You'll notice that in all situations, both concepts look good but the one onf the right has an added design touch with a background image. What's interesting is that in all 3 examples below, the client took and the image!
A customized and personalized approach to website design
As mentioned above, our clients took the pictures for their website. With few little tweaks and filters, we were able to truly personalized and customize their website. I wrote in a previous blog I wrote about using stock photography and what a kick I get when I see the same photography used by my dentist and my chiropractor! Stock photography is starting to become recognizable and can leave an impression of not really having put the effort to your design. This applies not only to your website but also any print and video advertising and promotions.
BIG, high resolution images are like candy to a website designer. It really opens up the opportunities available to design and an help make your website standout from the competition. Ironically, it's not your website designer that has the ability to do this. In fact, it's you!!
Hit a home run by hiring a web designer with experience in photoshop and graphic/video design.
At, we take pride in being fully proficient in various programs such as Photoshop (for images), Premiere (for video) and After Effects (for web graphic animations). Having the knowledge and experience to use these programs allows us to add an even more professional and customized look to your website. All this included within your website design package.